Schafer & West Family Girls Ceramic Party
The ladies in the Schafer and West family are invited to come together for a fun afternoon of ceramic painting. These creations will last for generations to come and the memories made will be priceless.
You can choose which ceramic you would like to do that day.
All supplies are included to paint, embellish and seal your project. All directions are given and a fun time will be had by all. This is seriously so much fun!
Projects options in July are:
18" Large Tree $80.00
13" Supreme tree with ribbon and bulbs $60
13" Traditional Tree $60
12" Snowman $50
11" Wreath $50
11" Tree $45
9 Piece Nativity $60
9" Truck & Tree $45
8" Gingerbread House $45
Preregistration is required. November 17th at 2pm at The Port at 143 Kent St. Portland.